Monday, December 08, 2008

Week end cooking - Cuisine de week end "Paella"

Last night, as it started to get really much much cooler and whiter...we had friend over for an early Xmas diner, with a Spanish theme! And here I go promising everyone a nice paella, except, I had never cooked paella before. There will be no recipe today, because...truthfully there is none..I went online, looked at a few recipes, looked also at "les recettes de Francoise Bernard" my French cooking bible, and ended up creating my very own paella!

It turned out good, presentation is not my forte, but the taste was good, and considering we to deal with local ingredients (no real chorizo) it was a success, and a good comforting winter dish.

Ce week end, pour vaincre le froid et la neige nous avons eu droit à un diner de Noel anticipe, sur le thème de l'Espagne. Donc paella pour tout le monde. Après avoir lu des recettes a droite et a gauche, en ligne et dans Françoise Bernard, le bible pour me suis lancée! Résultat tout à fait satisfaisant, vraiment bon, pas très difficile à faire, et surtout ca met de la couleur dans les assiettes!
Bon appetit!


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